Discerning Hearts July 2022
St. Benedict taught is that everything takes place in community. We are reminded that we are each a part of that community.
Discerning Hearts June 2022
The Episcopal Community, incorporated in Atlanta in February 2010, is gathered in Fairhope, Alabama for retreat and installation of new members in May 2011.
Discerning Hearts May 2022
Easter Greetings from our Chaplain. “And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the door of the tomb?” (St. Mark 16)
Discerning Hearts January 2022
Volume 2022 Issue January
From Our National President
Light looked down and beheld darkness.“Thither will I go,” said LightPeace looked down and beheld war.“Thither will I go,” said PeaceLove looked down and beheld Hatred.“Thither will I go,” said LoveSo came Light, and shoneSo came Peace and gave rest.So came Love and brought LifeAnd the Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us. Dear…