A Message from Chris Butterworth

Dear Sisters in Christ,

Well here we are again. Advent 2020.  We have spent most of the year waiting – waiting for Covid to end, waiting for a vaccine; waiting for the election (no matter where you stand.) Now, we are approaching Advent – a season of waiting.  Oh boy – more waiting.

I was asked to lead a book study at our friend’s church over at the next town.  I picked a book called “Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting” by Holly Whitcomb; it is an Advent study.  The seven spiritual gifts of waiting are: Patience, Living in the Present, Compassion, Gratitude, Humility and Trust in God.

I have read a couple of chapters and it is MADE for a time like this.  Normally I would offer to lead a study of this book, but our past response for book studies has been low.  If we can get 6 people who are interested in participating on a Zoom call, I and Patti Joy will be there as leaders.. if you are interested please let me know.  You may order the book on Amazon.

Other resources for Advent are available on the National church’s website where you can and download the Way of Love for Advent and the accompanying calendar.  It is of course free and looks fabulous also!

My best to you in this much different time that we are in.  I pray that this season of waiting will help all of us moving forward trusting in God.

Chris Butterworth
Formation Chair
